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Banded Krait

Banded Krait Care Sheet

The Banded Krait is a large, venomous snake known for its distinctive, alternating black and yellow marks across its body.  Highly toxic, highly deadly, yet a number of reptile pet owners are drawn to owning one of these exotic and attractively colored snakes.

Quick Reference Section

  • Experience level: Experienced
  • Family: Elapidae
  • Scientific name: Bungarus fasciatus
  • Other Names: Boa fasciata, Bungarus annularis, Pseudoboa fasciata
  • Average adult size: 1.8-2.1 meters
  • Lifespan: Unknown
  • Clutch Size: 4-14 eggs
  • Egg Incubation Period: around 120 days
  • Food: Mainly other snakes, also fish, frogs, smaller reptiles
  • Average Temperature: unreported and specifically undetermined
  • Humidity: unreported and specifically undetermined
  • UVB lighting: unreported and specifically undetermined
  • Average price range: unreported and specifically undetermined
  • Conservation Status: “Least concern”

Banded Krait Facts

Bungarus fasciatus
Bungarus fasciatus

The Banded Krait (Scientific-Bungarus Fasciatus) belongs to the Family Elapidae and Genus Bungarus. They are highly venomous and large snakes, mainly native to areas of Indian Subcontinent and throughout Southeast Asia.

The nocturnal and terrestrial Banded Krait is found in a variety of habitats, from dry and moist forests, mangrove vegetation, tropical scrubs to agricultural lands. They often live near human inhabited places due to the steady supply and presence of rats, other rodents, and water.

They tend to inhabit mounds and rodent holes near the water. These snakes prefer the open countryside, near the water. During the day, they usually chill in grass, pits, or drains. They are most commonly seen when it’s raining.

These venomous snakes are nocturnal and are a bit shy. They will usually hide their heads under their coils and won’t normally attempt to bite when provoked. At night, they are more active and are considered to be more dangerous.

The lifespan for these slithery ones is unknown.

Banded Kraits are identified by the alternating black and yellow crossbands along their body. A broad head and black eyes also characterize these. Arrowhead-like yellow markings decorate its black head. It also has yellow lips, lores, chin, and throat.

Their scientific name “bungarus” comes from the Kannada/Telugu word “bangarum”. It refers to “gold”, pointing to the yellow rings that characterize these snakes.

Banded Krait Habitat

Boa fasciata
Boa fasciata

As for duplicating its natural habitat in enclosures or cages, more documentation is needed for specifications and requirements on enclosure type and measurement, substrate, temperature, humidity, and lighting requirements.

Since it is a relative of other Elapidae variants like the Cobra, some similar type of care, materials, and guidelines for substrate, temperature, humidity, and lighting may be applicable and prove useful.


Needless to say, as for the enclosure, security is high priority. Tanks and cages, as well as the walls, covers, and doors must be fully secure, leaving no room for the venomous Banded Krait to escape.

Banded Krait Feeding

The Banded kraits, like most snakes, are carnivores. Their diet consists mainly of a variety of other snakes. However, they have been observed to include other things on the menu from time to time such as frogs, fish, skinks, and snake eggs.


Bungarus annularis
Bungarus annularis

Banded Kraits are very shy. They prefer to stay hidden. These live solitary lives. The species is primarily nocturnal.

During the daytime, these creatures may lie in caves, drains, or some holes. The rains may prompt them to go out.

Activity is more visible during the night at which time, they are considered most dangerous in the wild.

Handling the venomous Banded Krait is very tricky and often dangerous. These do not like to be handled. However, at times, this creature may choose to remain sluggish and lethargic even when provoked.

Some may just hide their heads under their coils when harassed. Still, some others may attempt to bite and induce paralysis on those they bite.

It is greatly emphasized that handlers should be well-versed and experienced with handling venomous snakes before attempting to interact with a Banded Krait.


There is no current data as to how long these snakes live up to.

Common Health Concerns (Issues/Solutions)

More information is needed on the health concerns affecting Banded Kraits.

Pricing and Availability

Data on pricing and availability are currently scarce. Some states do not allow private citizens to own poisonous or venomous snakes. Other states impose strict requirements and set rules for ownership and care.

The Banded Krait is not a commonly owned snake. Reports on black market trade in 2014 estimated its price to run at over $2,000 in India.


This species is currently listed as of “least concern”. According to IUCN, it is a protected species in Vietnam, where the national Red Data Book lists it as “Endangered”.

In order to determine whether this activity is significant and requires regulation, trade with this species requires investigation in areas adjacent to and exporting this snake to China.

There may also be a localized threat from overharvesting, but there is little evidence of decline in numbers. It is deemed that the population of this snake is stable.


The Banded Krait may very well prove to be a highly dangerous pet snake to care for and owned by especially novices and those without proper training.

Venomous snakes are reputed for being escape artists. These will also not hesitate to bite if the urge for survival triggers them to lunge and defend.

Considering how deadly they can bite, people with young children and lack of training or experience caring for snakes, let alone, venomous snakes, may be unsuitable for caring for this type of reptile.

If you have any experience or any information about Banded Kraits, we’d love to know about it. Leave us a comment below.

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