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Cobalt Blue Tarantula Care

Cobalt Blue Tarantula Care

Cobalt Blue tarantulas are an intermediate level pet for semi experienced keepers.

Although a lot of people are attracted to its strikingly blue coloration, it is not the pet tarantula for everyone.

For hobbyists who are interested in picking one up, it is still important that you get the basics on how to care for these tarantulas and cater to their specific needs so that you can raise a healthy, happy Cobalt Blue.

Quick Reference Section 

  • Experience Level: Intermediate
  • Family: Theraphosidae
  • Scientific Name: Cyriopagopus lividus
  • Other Names: Formerly known as Haplopelma lividum
  • Adult Size: Around 5 inches
  • Lifespan: Males: 10 to 20 years; Females: 20 to 25 years
  • Average Price Range: $50 to $100 per spider
  • Where to buy:,,

Bioactive Cobalt Blue Tarantula Setup Product List


Cobalt blue tarantula isolated on white background (Cyriopagopus lividus)
Cobalt blue tarantula isolated on white background (Cyriopagopus lividus)

As their name suggests, they are known for their lustrous electric blue coloration on their blue legs. Their carapace and body will be grey-blue and will look dull in comparison to their legs.

They look black or very dark grey in color until they are under a light, where you can see the bright blue hues of their hairs come through like a shimmery metallic electric blue.


Cobalt blue tarantula spotted in wild on a walk
Cobalt blue tarantula spotted in wild on a walk

While these creatures are native to Myanmar, they can be found around Thailand’s borders, in Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, and sometimes Singapore.

They are obligate burrowers and live in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia where they create deep burrows, which they will only leave to scavenge for food.


You will seldom see the Cobalt Blue leave their lair. They only do so when they are hungry.

They are generally swift-moving and will catch their prey at the edge of their burrows where they will use their venom to poison the unlucky prey, drag them back into their den, and eat it alive. They are greedy eaters since they are also fast-growing.

In the wild, they will eat insects, amphibians, mice, and even other spiders.


Cobalt blue tarantula on white background
Cobalt blue tarantula on white background

These are a medium sized tarantula but have a very rapid growth rate, molting once or twice a year.

You can sex your tarantula when they reach sexual maturity because the females will stay blue whereas the males will be more of a blue-grey.

Female Cobalt Blues live an average lifespan of 20 to 25 years, whereas their male counterparts will be lucky if they make it to 20, as some may die after 10 years of life.


The Cobalt Blue female can lay about 100 to 1000 eggs, which take around 45 to 60 days to hatch. They are watched over by their mother and will sit in their egg sac on the web she prepared for them.

After they hatch, they may stay with their parent(s) for a span of a week or so before they scatter away forever.

When tarantulas are ready to breed, the male will deposit his sperm in a small silk sac which he will then store in his pedipalps. Tarantula mating rituals are pretty dangerous and can be life or death for the male.

The male tarantula will first search for a mate and invite her to mate. The male will then attempt to deposit his sperm sac into the female’s pedipalps by holding back her pincers and legs so she cannot attack him.

If he can successfully deposit the sac, he will then have a few minutes to flee after copulation since the female will be entranced with chemicals that come with fertilization.

If the male is not careful or the female thinks he is not a suitable mate, he will become her dinner. If copulation is successful and the female is fertilized, she will then protect the clutch of eggs for their incubation period until they hatch.

Check out YouTuber “Thespiderooms” open a large egg sac full of Cobalt Blue spiderlings here:

If you are going to attempt to breed your spiders, you need to be fast and ready to remove the male after he fertilizes her.


In general, tarantulas are legal to keep in most states, although there may be local laws that restrict captivity, breeding, and such. Check out your local laws to find out what is and is not allowed in your state or city.

You can find them at pet stores easily, but we recommend you also try to look for a rescue group or at least make sure you buy from a licensed, reputable breeder.

Because this specific species faces the major strain of deforestation, you must purchase from a proper breeder that has Cobalt Blues which are captive-bred. You don’t want to keep a spider that was captured since it would further cause issues in the wild populations.

Care Sheet

Cobalt blue tarantula (Cyriopagopus lividus)
Cobalt Blue Tarantula in enclosure (Cyriopagopus lividus) – source


A good rule of thumb to follow for any tarantula enclosure is making sure that the width of their enclosure is at least three times your spider’s leg span. You can use a terrarium or a kritter keeper at the start when they are smaller.

Cobalt Blues are around 5 inches on average, which means you want to get no less than a 5-gallon tank to house your spider. We highly recommend a 10 to 20-gallon tank since it would support their natural burrowing instincts, and you will get to see their amazing creations as well.

Make sure to also provide a hiding place for them where they can burrow if down from within.

You might also want to get something that has an escape-proof lid since tarantulas are quite the escape artists.

Keepers should also be sure to get a well-ventilated enclosure. Fake plants are an option, but the best approach is to set up a bioactive vivarium to create the most natural environment.

They are terrestrial beings and require a lot of ground so you want to get them something with a good length and only enough height to fit a lot of substrate.

You should try to keep your spider’s tank clean to reduce the risk of illness. This can be done by taking one day out of your week to clean their tank.

Remove any uneaten food or leftover molt as soon as you see it in their cage.


When shopping for substrate, look for organic, pesticide-free, chemical-free products without any other additives. Make sure you are reading your labels.

A mix of coconut husk or soil with peat moss will make for the perfect environment for these tropical rainforest dwellers.

Give them at least 8 inches of substrate for burrowing. There can never be too much since this is how they thrive out in the wild.


You want to keep the environment in their enclosure at conditions similar to their natural habitat.

This specific species is comfortable in temperatures between 75 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

If your home gets cooler than these temperatures, you will want to get them a heat mat to warm their tank. Be sure you provide them with a warm side as well as a cooler side.


Again, they are from the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia, so they will do well in humidity levels of anywhere from 70 to 80 percent.

In order to keep these numbers up, you should moisten the substrate i-weekly and watch the levels in the tank closely.


Don’t worry about lighting but do keep track and monitor their tank temperatures since it is more essential to their well-being.

You may also want to get a heating pad to keep temperatures in the enclosure stable.


In captivity, you should be feeding appropriately-sized insects to your arachnid depending on their age and size.

They are carnivores that enjoy eating live crickets, cockroaches, and dubia roaches as well as other large insects. You can also feed them the occasional mealworm and pinky mouse.

Make sure whatever you feed them, it is not any larger than their carapace.

They are aggressive hunters and this predatory instinct will not allow them to eat frozen or any dead food. Provide them with only live food as much as possible.


These spiders are swift and can become defensive. However, it is important to note the differences between them being aggressive and defensive, as they are often misunderstood.

They are known as old world tarantulas, meaning they do not have urticating hairs to flick as self-defense. Instead, they will bite as a defense mechanism.

Luckily, their venomous bites are only helpful for paralyzing small prey.

However, due to their defensive nature, they are known to attack and you will see when they do. They might stomp the ground and raise their hands when they are ready to attack.

Take these signs as a warning to back off and leave them alone.

The Cobalt Blue is actually known as one of the most aggressive species of tarantulas in the world, which is why they do not make the most playful pets. In fact, you will barely see them leave their burrow anyways, so they aren’t the best display pets either.

They are most suitable in captivity for collectors or hobbyists. As mentioned before, if you get a large glass tank, you might even be able to see their burrows and webbing, which could be a great sight.


Since these are known as the most aggressive tarantula and are very skittish, handling is not recommended. They could hurt you or even themselves when trying to flee after an attack.

Most tarantulas generally do not like being handled anyways, so the Cobalt Blue is definitely no exception. It is best to just leave them alone and let them be since contact may cause them to act out in defense.

Just keep in mind that this is not the type of pet that you can cuddle and hold. It is definitely an interesting one to watch and study, anyway.


Are you interested in getting yourself one of the most aggressive tarantulas in the world?

If you’re ok with not being able to handle it almost ever and want something that you can study closely, this beautiful tarantula might be the one for you.

Cobalt Blue tarantulas are a very popular pet among hobbyists but are not beginner-friendly whatsoever.

Also, check out this video The Tarantula Collective made about how to care for a Cobalt Blue if you’re interested in learning more:

If you still have any questions or inquiries about this well-loved species of spider, go ahead and leave a comment down below!

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