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Spiders in Delaware

Delaware spiders come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. This article covers the most common types of spiders in Delaware, and the interesting things to know about them.

There are a few spider species in Delaware that are venomous, but a large portion of spiders that live in the state are harmless. Spiders are actually a benefit to humans since they kill pest insects like flies and mosquitoes.

Spiders create a home everywhere, and most are active from the months of spring to fall. In some cases, spiders may create their webs in man-made structures like houses and can be active year-round.

The United States alone is home to about 3,500 species of spiders. Identifying a spider can be done by its webbing, body appearance, coloring, and behavior.

There is a ton to learn about spiders, and in this article, you will learn about 59 spiders in Delaware that you may come across. 

Spiders in Delaware  

1. Furrow Orbweaver

Furrow Orbweaver (Larinioides cornutus) in its web in front of a white wall in Lewes, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Beginner 
  • Family: Araneidae 
  • Scientific Name: Larinioides cornutus
  • Other Names: Furrow Orbweaver 
  • Adult Size: 10 to 12 mm (0.39 to 0.47 inches)
  • Lifespan: 1 year 
  • Average Price Range: n/a

The furrow orb weaver lives in moist woodland habitats. The summer and fall are when this species is active most.

Female furrow orb weavers build circular webs and are more common near freshwaters like lakes, and woodlands. Their webs are supported by things like bridges, street lights, porches, and low-lying vegetation. Females only build these circular webs, while males are more nomadic.

Tan in coloring, furrow orb weavers get their name from the trench-like pattern that appears on the back of their abdomen. The furrow pattern is dark with wavy edges and has a mottled appearance.

Dark brown bands appear on the spider’s legs, as well as small hairs that let them sense vibrations. Males and females have similar colorings and markings, but male furrow orb weavers have smaller abdomens and longer legs.

When mating the male furrow orb weaver finds a female web and plucks the silk to get the spider’s attention. Females create egg sacs and hide them in a cocoon in a secluded place.

Eggs take around a month to hatch. This species is able to survive winter as younglings, and in spring they turn into adults.

Furrow orb weavers use their webs to catch flying insects like gnats, mosquitoes, and months. This spider is nocturnal, but can occasionally be seen sitting in its web during the day.

When something falls into their web this spider ambushes them and injects them with venom. Furrow Orbweavers are harmless to humans, like other orb weavers, only dangerous if allergic.

2. Hentz Orbweaver 

Spotted Orbweaver (Neoscona crucifera) in its web with prey in Kent County, Delaware, USA
Spotted Orbweaver (Neoscona crucifera) in its web with prey in Kent County, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate
  • Family: Araneidae 
  • Scientific Name: Neoscona crucifera
  • Other Names: Spotted orb weaver 
  • Adult Size: 5 to 20 mm (0.19 to 0.78 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 1 year
  • Average Price Range: n/a

Moist woodland habitats are the areas where the Hentz orb weaver prefers to live. Found in Delaware, this species has a large range in the United States.

They are also found in places like gardens, yards, and around homes. This spider is usually active at night, and females create circular webs to inhabit.

Hentz orb weavers are sexually dimorphic, with males being slightly smaller. Their bodies are rounded, and small hairs cover them entirely.

The Hentz orb weaver has tan coloring, with dark bands on its legs. Their underside or their abdomen is black and has two white spots. The color of this species ranges from tan to orange.

Hentz orb weavers build large circular webs high above the ground. The circular webs can reach up to 2 feet in diameter and are used to catch flying insects.

When prey falls into their homes this spider wraps them in silk and injects them with paralyzing venom. Their webs are also home to their young. Hentz orb weavers lay up to 1,000 eggs in a sac.

They use fluffy yellow silk to enclose their young in a leaf to hide them.

3. Arabesque Orbweaver

Arabesque Orbweaver (Neoscona arabesca) on a small holey leaf in New Castle County, Delaware, USA
Arabesque Orbweaver (Neoscona arabesca) on a small holey leaf in New Castle County, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate
  • Family: Araneidae
  • Scientific Name: Neoscona arabesca
  • Other Names: n/a 
  • Adult Size: 5 to 7 mm (0.19 to 0.27 inches) 
  • Lifespan:  1 year
  • Average Price Range: n/a

The arabesque orb weaver has a large range that stretches across North America. In fields, grasslands, forests, and urban areas this spider is found.

Arabesque orb weavers build circular webs to live in. During the day they hide in a retreat, like a curled leaf. At night this spider waits for food, and this spider when active sits in the center of its web. 

The swirling arabesque pattern on this spider’s abdomen is what gives them its name. Arabesque orb weavers have brown, orange, gray, or black coloring, and are covered in many tiny hairs. Males have small abdomens and long legs that help them get around easier.

A harmless species, the arabesque orb weaver only bites humans if provoked. Arabesque orb weavers only have venom that works on small insects, such as small moths and flies.

The females’ large webs are used to trap food, while males spend their time wandering around looking for a meal or mate.

4. Marbled Orbweaver

Marbled Orbweaver (Araneus marmoreus) on its web in Sussex County, Delaware, USA
Marbled Orbweaver (Araneus marmoreus) on its web in Sussex County, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate
  • Family: Araneidae 
  • Scientific Name: Araneus marmoreus
  • Other Names: Pumpkin spider 
  • Adult Size: 9 to 22 mm (0.35 to 0.86 inches) 
  • Lifespan:  1 year
  • Average Price Range: $20 

Marbled orb weavers live in vegetated areas with lots of shrubs, tall weeds, and trees.

Wooded habitats near freshwater are common places where this spider lives. Females create circular webs and are active mostly in the spring, and fall months.

Marbled orbweavers get their name from the marbled pattern that appears on their abdomen. This spider has yellow, white, orange, or grayish coloring.

The marbled spots like markings on their abdomen are sometimes gray, black, brown, or purplish. The abdomen of this spider is bulbous, and they have spindly legs with dark bands on them.

Marbled orbweavers use their circular webs to prey on insects. This spider is harmless to humans, and its venom only works on animals like wasps, beetles, and flies.

Predators of this spider include birds and wasps. Marbled orbweavers hide in a retreat, and use the vibrations around them to know when something is in their web to eat.

5. Shamrock Spider

Shamrock Orbweaver (Araneus trifolium) climbing up a leaf in Ontario, Canada
Shamrock Orbweaver (Araneus trifolium) climbing up a leaf in Ontario, Canada. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate 
  • Family: Araneidae 
  • Scientific Name: Araneus trifolium
  • Other Names: Shamrock orbweaver 
  • Adult Size: 19 mm (0.74 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 1 year 
  • Average Price Range: n/a

The shamrock spider can be found across the United States, with its range stretching to parts of Canada.

Shamrock spider females create circular webs to live in, usually made with a diameter of around 2 feet. This spider is active mostly in warm weather and prefers to live in humid environments near water.

Shamrock spiders come in white, brown, or orange coloring. They have a white speckled pattern that appears on the back of their abdomen and are covered in thick hairs. These spider legs are long and spindly, with black bands covering their joints.

The web of the shamrock spider is built in areas with lots of insect traffic like marshes, gardens, and parks. Shamrock spiders live in moist areas since they drink the dew drops that fall into their web.

These spiders help reduce the number of pests insects like mosquitoes and flies. The bites of this spider are harmless to humans and have a similar pain as that of a bee sting.

6. Giant Lichen Orbweaver 

Giant Lichen Orbweaver (Araneus bicentenarius) walking between twigs somewhere in Texas, USA
Giant Lichen Orbweaver (Araneus bicentenarius) walking between twigs somewhere in Texas, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate 
  • Family: Araneidae 
  • Scientific Name: Araneus bicentenarius
  • Other Names: n/a
  • Adult Size: 10 to 30 mm ( 0.39 to 1.18 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 1 year 
  • Average Price Range: n/a

The giant lichen orb weaver is a large species that live in large circular webs with a diameter of up to 8 feet. Giant lichen orb weavers live in forests and swamp-like habitats.

In the United States, giant lichen orb weavers live in the eastern half of the country, and can also be found in southeastern Canada. This spider spends lots of time in edged habitats, and can sometimes be seen sitting upside down in the center of its web.

The giant green lichen orb weaver gets its name from its green coloring and a lichen pattern on its abdomen. The green color ranges from light to dark, and they have black and white markings on them. Their abdomens are bulbous, and their legs have brown and black bands on them.

The coloring and pattern of this spider make it possible for them to blend into lichen and mossy habitats. Giant lichen orb weavers, despite their size, are harmless to humans.

They are one of the larger orb weavers and can be further identified by the hump on their abdomen.

7. Missing Sector Orbweaver

Missing Sector Orbweaver (Zygiella x-notata) hanging in its web somewhere in the Netherlands
Missing Sector Orbweaver (Zygiella x-notata) hanging in its web somewhere in the Netherlands. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate 
  • Family: Araneidae
  • Scientific Name: Zygiella x-notata
  • Other Names: Silver-sided Sector Spider
  • Adult Size: 15 mm (0.59 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 5 to 7 months 
  • Average Price Range: n/a 

Missing sector orb weavers look similar to other orb weavers in Delaware and are found on the west and eastern coasts of the United States. Missing sector orb weavers build circular webs, and get their name from the missing section that is missing from their web design.

Living in a variety of habitats, they prefer moist areas with low-lying bushes, shrubs, and other vegetation. They can also build their webs on structures like docks, boats, fences, and in windows.

This orb weaver is small in size and is a sexually dimorphic species. Males spiders of this species are smaller than females and have dark abdomens with brown legs. Females have bands on their legs and a wavy silver pattern with a mottled pattern on their abdomen.

The missing sector orb weaver waits on the sides of their web and ambushes prey that falls into their silk. They inject their prey with venom and wrap them in silk.

Due to their poor eyesight, this spider relies on vibrations in the air and in their web. The webs of this spider are rebuilt daily, usually at the end of the night.

8. Common Long-jawed Orbweavers

Long-jawed Orbweaver (Tetragnatha) hanging off a leaf somewhere in Delaware, USA
Long-jawed Orbweaver (Tetragnatha) hanging off a leaf somewhere in Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Beginner 
  • Family: Tetragnathidae 
  • Scientific Name: Tetragnatha
  • Other Names: stretch spiders 
  • Adult Size: 6 to 13 mm (0.26 to 0.511 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 1 year 
  • Average Price Range: n/a 

Long-jawed orb weavers live in orb webs and make their webs in habitats near freshwater. They use shrubs along the shore of lakes, and ponds, using the plant’s branches to support their web.

Long-jawed orb weavers are nearby in a secluded area when not on their web. In case they get knocked into the water they live in, long-jawed orb weavers are able to stride across the surface of water similar to fishing spiders.

The long-jawed orb weaver is sometimes called the stretch spider since they sit in their web with their front and back legs stretched out as far as they could be. This spider has tan coloring, with a dark and light mottled pattern on them. Their chelicerae are elongated, and males use their long fangs to grab females when mating.

The webs of this spider are horizontal and made over water so they can feed on aquatic insects. Long-jawed orb weavers drop into the water when harassed.

Swampy habitats are common places this spider lives, and they use the vegetation they live around to hide their eggs when mating. After mating, adults of this species die off when the cold comes, and eggs wait to hatch when spring arrives.

9. Orchard Orbweaver

Orchard Orbweaver (Leucauge venusta) hanging on a curly leaf in Greenville, Delaware, USA
Orchard Orbweaver (Leucauge venusta) hanging on a curly leaf in Greenville, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate
  • Family: Tetragnathidae
  • Scientific Name: Leucauge venusta
  • Other Names: Orchard spider 
  • Adult Size: 3.5 to 7.5 mm (0.13 to 0.29 inches) 
  • Lifespan:  1 year
  • Average Price Range: $20 

The eastern United States in areas like Delaware is where the orchard orb weavers live.

As its name suggests this spider lives in vegetated places like grasslands, orchards, gardens, and edged woodland habitats. Summer and fall are when the orchard orb weaver is active most.

Orchard orb weavers have elongated abdomens and spindly legs. This spider has an emerald green coloring on its legs, with black, yellow, and silver markings on its abdomens. On the belly of the orchard orb, the weaver is a yellowish or red crescent.

The web this spider creates is circular and positioned horizontally. They create their web in highly vegetated areas, with lots of small insects. Flies, leaf-dwelling insects, and moths are some of the animals they eat.

Birds are a common predator this spider faces, and wasps will also paralyze this species to lay eggs in them and feed their larvae.

10. Lined Orbweaver

Lined Orbweaver (Mangora gibberosa) on its intricate web in South Bethany, Delaware, USA
Lined Orbweaver (Mangora gibberosa) on its intricate web in South Bethany, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate   
  • Family: Araneidae 
  • Scientific Name: Mangora gibberosa
  • Other Names: n/a 
  • Adult Size: 5 to 6 mm (0.2 to 0.25 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 1 year 
  • Average Price Range: n/a

Lined orb weavers are native to the eastern regions of the United States, and are also found in parts of Canada. Like other orb weavers this species lives in circular webs, and in the center of their web is a stabilimentum that is circular and made of thick silk.

Lined orb weavers live in vegetated habitats like woodlands, fields, and edged habitats. The fall is when this spider is most active, and the spider can sometimes be seen sitting in the center of its web.

The common name of this spider originates from the lined pattern that runs vertically on its abdomen. Their abdomens are white, with brown spots, and brown lines markings on them.

The legs and carapace of this spider are greenish, which helps them blend into the surrounding vegetation. The web of this spider is made in grassy areas that get lots of insect traffic, usually reaching around 6” in diameter.

The spider waits for insects like moths, beetles, wasps, and mosquitoes to get caught in its web.

11. Starbellied Orbweaver

Starbellied Orbweaver (Acanthepeira stellata) on a leaf at Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge, Delaware, USA
Starbellied Orbweaver (Acanthepeira stellata) on a leaf at Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate
  • Family: Araneidae
  • Scientific Name: Acanthepeira stellata
  • Other Names: n/a
  • Adult Size: 5 to 15 mm ( 0.19 to 0.59 inches)
  • Lifespan: 1 year
  • Average Price Range: $20

The starbellied orb weaver is found in North America and is more common on the far eastern and western coasts.

Starbellied orb weavers live in grassy habitats like meadows or woodlands. Late spring, to early fall, is when this spider is active most.

This spider gets its name from the star-like spikes that protrude from its abdomen. Starbellied orb weavers are sexually dimorphic, with males having small abdomens.

Females of this species build circular webs to live in, while males spend their lives wandering. Males have longer legs which help them navigate terrains and are helpful for mating. Both sexes have spikey abdomens, a mottled coloring on them, and a band pattern on their legs.

Starbellied orb weavers feed on insects like flies, mosquitoes, and beetles. This spider is harmless to humans, with only mild venom used to subdue its prey.

Large spiders, frogs, and birds are the predators this spider faces most in the wild.

12. Triangle Orbweaver

Arrowhead Orbweaver (Verrucosa arenata) on a leaf in Newark, Delaware, USA
Arrowhead Orbweaver (Verrucosa arenata) on a leaf in Newark, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate
  • Family: Araneidae
  • Scientific Name: Verrucosa arenata
  • Other Names: Arrowhead spider
  • Adult Size: 9.5 mm (0.37inches)
  • Lifespan: 1 year
  • Average Price Range: n/a

Woodlands are common areas where triangle orb weavers live, and they are also common in swampy habitats.

This spider builds a circular web to live in like other orb weavers but is smaller in size than most species. Triangle orb weavers can be found in yards, gardens, and hiking trails with lots of trees and plant life.

The abdomen of this spider is shaped like a triangle, with a triangle-shaped marking on them. Their bodies are black, reddish brown, white, or yellowish.

They have dark bands on their legs, and small heads (carapace). Male arrowhead spiders also have an arrow-shaped appearance but longer legs.

Birds and wasps are the main predators of this species. Only females are capable of making orb webs, and they use them to catch insect prey.

The fall is when this spider is seen most often. When winter comes older spiders die, while their young and eggs overwinter until spring comes.

13. Spined Micrathena

Spined Micrathena (Micrathena gracilis) on the bottom of a leaf in Newark, Delaware, USA
Spined Micrathena (Micrathena gracilis) on the bottom of a leaf in Newark, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate 
  • Family: Araneidae 
  • Scientific Name: Micrathena gracilis
  • Other Names: Castleback orbweaver 
  • Adult Size: 4 to 10 mm (0.15 to 0.31 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 1 year 
  • Average Price Range: n/a

The spined micrathena is one of the many orb weavers that live in Delaware. This spider is native to North, and Central America, preferring to live in moist deciduous habitats.

Spined micrathena live near freshwaters like lagoons, ponds, and even places with small bodies of water. Spined micrathena live in habitats with lots of trees, and most species remain dormant in the winter months.

The abdomen of the spined micrathena is covered with small spines that point out from the body. Males are smaller than females and have tan coloring.

Only females have spines and also have a large bulbous abdomen. Female spined micrathena have white coloring, with black spikes and dimples on them.

Female spined micrathena build large circular webs to live in and also catch their prey with their silk. The summer and fall of this spider are when this spider is active most.

Areas that flood are common places this spider lives.

14. White Micrathena

White Micrathena (Micrathena mitrata) on its web in front of someone's hand in Georgetown, Delaware, USA
White Micrathena (Micrathena mitrata) on its web in front of someone’s hand in Georgetown, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate 
  • Family: Araneidae
  • Scientific Name: Micrathena mitrata
  • Other Names: Spiny orbweavers
  • Adult Size: 4.2 to 10.8 mm (0.16 to 0.42 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 1 year 
  • Average Price Range: n/a 

White micrathena is a small species that live in Delaware and are common in other states within the eastern US.

This spider lives in densely vegetated areas like woodlands, gardens, and meadows. White micrathena like other similar species build circular-shaped webs, used to catch flying insects like flies, mosquitoes, and gnats.

White micrathenas are named after their white appearance, and this small species has an abdomen shaped like a turban. The top of their abdomen has small points, and they have dark dimples, and a black mottled pattern on them. White micrathena have a tan carapace, and light brown legs, and look like a less spikey version of the spined micrathena.

The venom of this spider is harmless to humans, and due to its small size, they are regularly preyed on by animals like birds and lizards. The end of summer to fall is when this spider is active most, and when females can be seen sitting in their web.

15. Arrow-shaped Orbweaver

Arrow-shaped Orbweaver (Micrathena sagittata) on its web in front of leaves in Laurel, Delaware, USA
Arrow-shaped Orbweaver (Micrathena sagittata) on its web in front of leaves in Laurel, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate 
  • Family: Araneidae 
  • Scientific Name: Micrathena sagittata
  • Other Names: n/a 
  • Adult Size: 5 to 9 mm (0.20 to 0.35 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 1 year 
  • Average Price Range: n/a

The arrow-shaped orb weaver gets its name from the shape of its abdomen, which has protrusions at its end similar to an arrow. Arrowshaped micrathenas range covers the eastern United States, and they inhabit states like Delaware.

Arrow-shaped micrathena create circular webs, some with a zig-zag stabilimentum in their center. Forested areas, gardens, and backyards are common areas where this spider is found.

The two large spikes at the end of the arrow-shaped micrathena are black. The dorsal side of their abdomen is yellow with black dimple markings on it.

They have several other spikes that protrude from the edge of their abdomen that is red with black tips. The legs of this spider and its head have red or brownish coloring. The underside of their abdomens has a mottled appearance of black, red, and yellow coloring. 

The arrow-shaped micrathena, like other similar species, are most active in the summer and fall months. They prefer moist habitats, with lots of vegetation. They feed on small insects, and their bites are harmless to humans.

The spikes on this spider’s body are believed to help ward off predators like birds, or can also help in concealing them in their web.

16. Banded Garden Spider

Banded Garden Spider (Argiope trifasciata) hanging on its web in front of flowers and leaves in Hockessin, Delaware, USA
Banded Garden Spider (Argiope trifasciata) hanging on its web in front of flowers and leaves in Hockessin, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate 
  • Family: Araneidae 
  • Scientific Name: Argiope trifasciata
  • Other Names: Banded orb weaving spider
  • Adult Size: 4 to 25 mm (0.15 to 0.98 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 1 year 
  • Average Price Range: n/a

The banded garden spider lives in gardens, meadows, parks, and other sunny areas that are abundant with low-lying vegetation. The end of summer and fall is when the banded garden spider is spotted most.

Females banded garden spiders build circular webs to inhabit, with a zig-zag pattern of silk running down its center. The zig-zag pattern on silk in the center of their web is called a stabilimentum and helps to prevent birds from crashing in their web.

Banded garden spiders are sexually dimorphic, with males being much smaller in size. Males are only around ¼ the size of females but have a similar coloring and body shape.

anded garden spiders have oval-shaped abdomen and spindly legs. They have black, yellow, and silver coloring with bands covering their body.

The banded garden spiders are active during the day, and during this period they can be seen sitting in the center of their web. Sit in the center of their web with their head down.

When in their web this spider sits with its legs like an X and its white carapace looks like a skull. Banded garden spiders feed on insects that get caught in their web, like grasshoppers, and butterflies.

17. Black and Yellow Garden Spider 

Yellow Garden Spider (Argiope aurantia) hanging in its web in a tree in Sussex County, Delaware, USA
Yellow Garden Spider (Argiope aurantia) hanging in its web in a tree in Sussex County, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate 
  • Family: Araneidae 
  • Scientific Name: Argiope aurantia
  • Other Names: Yellow garden spider  
  • Adult Size: 5 to 28 mm ( 0.2 to 1.1 inches)
  • Lifespan: 1 year 
  • Average Price Range: $8

Black and yellow garden spiders are one of the largest orb weaver spiders that live in Delaware. This spider is active in the summer and fall months, preferring moist vegetated environments.

Urban areas, meadows, gardens, the sides of houses, and open grasslands. Areas with lots of sun and little wind are where they build their web.

The common name of this spider comes from its black and yellow coloring. The carapace of this spider is silver, and its abdomens are pointed, with a mix of black, white, and yellow coloring. The legs of the black and yellow garden spiders are long and spindly, with black, and orange bands on them.

Male black and yellow garden spiders are much smaller than females and are sometimes seen in the circular webs that females create. This spider is active during the day and sits in the center of its web with its body in the shape of an X.

Black and yellow garden spiders feed on the insects that get trapped in their web. They feed on things like butterflies, grasshoppers, and even small animals like lizards if they manage to trap them in their silk.

18. Tan Jumping Spider

Tan Jumping Spider (Platycryptus undatus) on a sandy rocky surface in New Castle County, Delaware, USA
Tan Jumping Spider (Platycryptus undatus) on a sandy rocky surface in New Castle County, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Beginner 
  • Family: Salticidae 
  • Scientific Name: Platycryptus undatus
  • Other Names: n/a 
  • Adult Size: 8.5 to 13 mm (0.33 to 0.51 inches) 
  • Lifespan:  1 year
  • Average Price Range: $20 to $30 

Tan jumping spiders are a common spider in the eastern United States. Like other jumping spiders this species spends its time on vertical surfaces like walls, trees, and window sills.

Tan jumping spiders are active during the day, and at night they create silk to rest in. Their resting areas are usually made in secluded areas like under loose dirt, or bark. The spring and summer months are when this spider is active most.

As their name suggests tan jumping spiders have a coloring that ranges from light to dark tan. Jumping spiders live in this species and have two larger eyes centered on their face which gives them excellent depth perception.

Six other eyes circle around their head like a crown and allow the spider to have a vision range of nearly 360 degrees. Tan jumping spiders are commonly found on vertical wooden surfaces like trees or bark, as their color helps them easily camouflage.

Tan jumping spiders have a mottled pattern on them or light to dark gray. Their furry appearance and the wavy undulating marking on their abdomen can help identify them from other species.

Tan jumping spiders spend their days hunting for small insects like flies, gnats, and even other spiders. The pattern on their abdomen helps them camouflage, and they use vertical surfaces to spot prey.

Jumping spiders stalk their prey, and pounce on them when near. This small spider is harmless to humans, and bites from them are rare.

19. Bold Jumping Spider

Bold Jumping Spider (Phidippus audax) walking down a stem in Georgetown, Delaware, USA
Bold Jumping Spider (Phidippus audax) walking down a stem in Georgetown, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Beginner 
  • Family: Salticidae 
  • Scientific Name: Phidippus audax 
  • Other Names: Daring jumping spider 
  • Adult Size: 6 to 19 mm (0.23 to 0.74 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 1 year
  • Average Price Range: $20 to $30 

Bold jumping spiders have a large range in the eastern and central United States. This species is active during the day and prefers to live in open habitats like grasslands, urban areas, gardens, and open woodlands.

Bold jumping spiders like other Salticidaes can leap up to 50 times their body length. This spider attaches a silk tether to the surface it leaps from to prevent itself from falling to its death.

Bold jumping spiders have black coloring and bright green chelicerae. This spider has white tufts of hair on its joints, and three spots in a triangle pattern on its abdomen.

The spots on the bold jumping spiders are orange when young, and as they age their spots turn white. This jumping spider is a part of the genus Phidippus, and members of this genus are usually larger than most other jumping spiders.

This species spends its day hunting and uses the keen eyesight, and quick leaps that jumping spiders are known for. The bold jumping spider feeds on small insects and stalks its prey like a cat.

20. Zebra Jumping Spider

Zebra Jumping Spider (Salticus scenicus) on a bright white wall in Sussex County, Delaware, USA
Zebra Jumping Spider (Salticus scenicus) on a bright white wall in Sussex County, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Beginner 
  • Family: Salticidae
  • Scientific Name: Salticus scenicus
  • Other Names: Zebra Spider 
  • Adult Size: 5 to 9 mm (0.19 to 0.35 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 1 year
  • Average Price Range: $20 to $30

While found in Delaware, the zebra jumping spider is a species found around North America, Europe, and parts of Asia. This spider lives in open habitats and is common to find near humans.

This spider spends its time on vertical surfaces like the sides of houses, large rocks, trees, and other similar vertical objects. Zebra jumping spiders are active during the day, and since they wander around so often this species occasionally makes its way indoors.

The color of this spider is black and white, and they have markings on their abdomen similar to zebras. Males and females look similar, but females are slightly larger and have lighter brown markings on them. Hairs cover these spider legs, and they have eyes that give them excellent binocular vision.

Zebra jumping spiders feed on small insects, and spiders that they come across. They are able to leap quickly and have a leaping velocity of around 2.1–2.6 ft/s.

Zebra jumping spiders spend their time active during the day hunting or mating. Males do a courtship dance to woo a mate, waving their front legs and pedipalps.

21. Dimorphic Jumping Spider

Dimorphic Jumping Spider (Maevia inclemens) on a painted wooden surface in Kent County, Delaware, USA
Dimorphic Jumping Spider (Maevia inclemens) on a painted wooden surface in Kent County, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Beginner 
  • Family: Salticidae
  • Scientific Name: Maevia inclemens
  • Other Names: n/a
  • Adult Size: 4.75 to 8 mm (0.187 to 0.31 inches) 
  • Lifespan:  1 year
  • Average Price Range: $20 to $30  

Dimorphic jumping spiders are a spider that lives in Delaware, with their range covering eastern, and mid-western North America. This spider lives in open habitats and urban areas.

Dimorphic jumping spiders are named after the two color morphs that males come in. Dimorphic jumping spiders are active during the day and spend their time wandering for food or a mate.

The male dimorphic jumping spider has a dark, and light gray morph. Males with a dark morph coloring have a black abdomen, and cephalothorax, with white legs.

Small black hairs cover their legs, and three black tufts of hair come out of their head. Males with a gray morph have a wavy pattern on them, with bands covering their legs.

They have gray coloring, with dark markings on them. Females look similar to a male’s gray morph and have more tan coloring.

The gray, and black tufted morphs of this species show up equally in males, with no color being dominant. The morphs may play a role in mating, and how easily a member of this species can get a female’s attention.

This spider waves its arms to court a female. Males with a tufted morph are able to have better success with females far away when courting them, while males with a gray morph have a better chance of matting when mating up close.

Dimorphic jumping spiders hunt during the day, and they feed on the arthropods, and small insects they come across. Flies, bees, and grasshoppers are some of the animals they eat.

This spider is harmless to humans and flees if approached.

22. Canopy Jumping Spider

Canopy Jumping Spider (Phidippus otiosus) on a brown painted surface in Sussex County, Delaware, USA
Canopy Jumping Spider (Phidippus otiosus) on a brown painted surface in Sussex County, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Beginner
  • Family: Salticidae
  • Scientific Name: Phidippus otiosus
  • Other Names: n/a  
  • Adult Size: 8 to 16 mm (0.31 to 0.62 inches) 
  • Lifespan:  1 year
  • Average Price Range: $20 to $30 

Canopy jumping spiders are a large species that lives in deciduous areas. This spider lives in the southeastern United States.

They are active during the spring and fall months most, living in areas with lots of trees. Canopy jumping spiders do not live in webs but spend their time wandering during the day. At night this spider creates a silk sac to rest within places like the bark of trees.

When compared to other jumping spiders this species is large and hairy. Females have orange fur, with black coloring.

Males have black coloring, with white tufts of hair on them, and red spots on their abdomen. Canopy jumping spiders have bright coloring and vibrant green chelicerae.

Canopy jumping spiders feed on small insects they come across. This spider eats prey like flies, moths, roaches, and other prey they find.

Larger spiders, birds, and lizards are the predators this spider faces.

23. Brilliant Jumping Spider

Brilliant Jumping Spider (Phidippus clarus) in sticks and shrub in New Castle County, Delaware, USA
Brilliant Jumping Spider (Phidippus clarus) in sticks and rocks in New Castle County, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Beginner 
  • Family: Salticidae 
  • Scientific Name: Phidippus clarus
  • Other Names: n/a  
  • Adult Size: 3 to 4 mm ( 0.11 to 0.15 inches)
  • Lifespan: 6 months to 2 years 
  • Average Price Range: n/a

Brilliant jumping spiders live in Delaware and are found across the US.

This spider is active during the day and spends its time hunting. This spider spends its time moving around vegetation.

Brilliant jumping spiders live in open habitats like fields, and parks. They leap around from place to place, using a silk tether to prevent themselves from falling.

Brilliant jumping spiders have bright orange abdomens with a black stripe running down their center. Males are slightly smaller and have dark coloring and iridescent chelicerae. Females have more tan coloring instead of black.

The brilliant jumping spider spends its days waiting on plants for small insects to cross their paths. They are extremely beneficial in gardens to help get rid of pests and insects.

Flies, earwigs, gnats, caterpillars, and other spiders are examples of their prey. Predatory wasps are this spider’s main predator.

Wasps lay eggs in a spider after paralyzing them and then have their young feed on their corpse.

24. Beautiful Jumper

Beautiful Jumper (Marpissa formosa) on a long leaf strand on Staten Island, New York, USA
Beautiful Jumper (Marpissa formosa) on a long leaf strand on Staten Island, New York, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Beginner  
  • Family: Salticidae 
  • Scientific Name: Marpissa formosa
  • Other Names: Short-bellied Slender Jumping Spider
  • Adult Size: 6 to 9 mm (0.24 to 0.35 inches)
  • Lifespan: 1 year
  • Average Price Range: n/a

Marpissa formosa is also called the beautiful jumper. This spider is found in the eastern regions of the United States and Canada.

Beautiful jumpers live near freshwater bodies, like marshes, and wetlands. This spider is common in the spring and summer months.

Beautiful jumpers are active at night, and during the day they hide in a silk sac. The eggs of this spider are also laid in a sac. Females are very protective of their young, and guard their young until they disperse.

Males of this species have black coloring, with white spots on them. Females have tan coloring, with a white stripe on their bodies. The abdomen of this spider is pointed, and they have a long body.

Like other jumping spiders this species has excellent eyesight, and they use their vision to locate prey. Insects make up the majority of their diet, and common predators of this spider include lizards, wasps, birds, and small mammals.

25. Common White-cheeked Jumping Spider

White-cheeked Jumping Spider (Pelegrina proterva) looking up from a leaf in Kent County, Delaware, USA
White-cheeked Jumping Spider (Pelegrina proterva) looking up from a leaf in Kent County, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Beginner  
  • Family: Salticidae
  • Scientific Name: Pelegrina proterva
  • Other Names: n/a
  • Adult Size: 3.3 to 5.6 mm (0.12 to 0.22 inches)
  • Lifespan: 1 year
  • Average Price Range: n/a 

Found in Delaware, the common white-cheeked jumping spider has a range in the eastern United States and Canada.

Grassy fields, woodlands, and parks are the types of habitats this species is found in. Common-white cheeked jumpers are active during the day and are seen most in the spring.

This jumping spider is a small species and is named after the broad white stripe that runs along its cheeks, and sides. The abdomen of this spider is brown, with black and white markings on them.

They are a hairy species, with white hairs covering them. Like other Salticidaes this species has angular legs which help them leap large distances. While both sexes look similar, males of this species have dark coloring and bolder stripes.

Common white-cheeked jumping spiders spend their day wandering around looking for food, or a mate. Small insects like aphids, beetles, and other spiders come across.

In the winter mating is complete and adult spiders die. Spiderlings and eggs overwinter until the weather warms in spring and they emerge.

26. Common Hentz Jumper

Common Hentz Jumping Spider (Hentzia palmarum) on a leaf in Georgetown, Delaware, USA
Common Hentz Jumping Spider (Hentzia palmarum) on a leaf in Georgetown, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Beginner
  • Family: Salticidae
  • Scientific Name: Hentzia palmarum
  • Other Names: n/a
  • Adult Size: 4.8 to 11 mm (0.19 to 0.47 inches)
  • Lifespan: 1 year 
  • Average Price Range: n/a 

In the United States, the common Hentz jumper can be found in the southern, and eastern regions of the country.

Like other jumping spiders this species is active during the day and lives in places with lots of low-lying vegetation like shrubs, and tall grass. The common Hentz jumper is active from the spring to fall months.

The common Hentz jumper is sexually dimorphic, with females having a much larger abdomen than males. Males have extremely large front legs and elongated chelicerae since they are long-jawed jumping spiders.

Males of this species have dark brown coloring. Their two large front legs are brown, while their other legs are cream. A bold white stripe runs across their sides, and orange markings appear near their eyes. 

Female common Hentz jumpers are a simple appearance and have a cream coloring with a brown mottled pattern on them. This species spends its time wandering around in vegetated areas, and are active during the day.

Hentz jumping spiders eat small insects and are harmless spiders to humans.

27. Magnolia Green Jumping Spider

Magnolia Green Jumping Spider (Lyssomanes viridis) on a mossy wooden surface in Sussex County, Delaware, USA
Magnolia Green Jumping Spider (Lyssomanes viridis) on a mossy wooden surface in Sussex County, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Beginner 
  • Family: Salticidae 
  • Scientific Name: Lyssomanes viridis
  • Other Names: n/a 
  • Adult Size: 5 to 8 mm (0.19 to 0.31 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 1 year 
  • Average Price Range: n/a 

In the southern and eastern United States places like Delaware are the home of the Magnolia green jumper.

This spider lives in a variety of habitats like grasslands, urban areas, and other open habitats. The magnolia green jumper lives in highly vegetated areas and spends its day wandering around low-lying plant life looking for food.

The color of the magnolia green jumper is a translucent bright green, with a similar hue to objects that glow in the dark. Magnolia green jumpers’ translucent coloring helps them blend into the plant life they venture into.

Females of this species are only slightly larger than males. On the top of their head near their eyes is a white and orange marking. The larger eyes of this spider can either be black or glowing green.

The spring months are this spider’s mating season, and a female lays around 25 to 70 eggs per clutch. Breeding continues until early fall, and eggs are laid under leaves, hidden in plant life.

In the winter older spiders die off, while younger ones overwinter under loose soil until spring. The color of this spider helps them camouflage themselves into vegetation and allows them to ambush their prey.

28. Green Lynx Spider 

Green Lynx Spider (Peucetia viridans) on a lilypad in Green Swamp Preserve, North Carolina, USA
Green Lynx Spider (Peucetia viridans) on a lilypad in Green Swamp Preserve, North Carolina, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Beginner 
  • Family: Oxyopidae 
  • Scientific Name: Peucetia viridans
  • Other Names: n/a 
  • Adult Size: 12 to 22 mm (0.47 to 0.86 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 1 year 
  • Average Price Range: $5

The green lynx spider is common in the southern United States and can be found commonly in coastal states like Delaware.

Green lynx spiders live in places with plant life for them to hunt in. Lynx spiders are active during the day and get their name from their agile cat-like movements.

This spider is translucent green similar to the magnolia green jumper, but this spider is much larger. Out of all the members of the Oxyopidae lynx spider family, the green lynx spider is the largest.

Green lynx spiders are covered in thick hairs, and the dorsal side of their abdomen has a light chevron pattern. Red and yellowish colors sometimes appear on this species, helping them blend better into their environment.

The green lynx spider is harmless to humans, but as active hunters, these spiders are great at killing pest insects. Moths and worms that feed on plant life are this spider’s most common prey.

29. Western Lynx Spider

Western Lynx Spider (Oxyopes scalaris) on a red surface in New Castle County, Delaware, USA
Western Lynx Spider (Oxyopes scalaris) on a red surface in New Castle County, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate 
  • Family: Oxyopidae 
  • Scientific Name: Oxyopes scalaris
  • Other Names: n/a 
  • Adult Size: 16 mm (0.15 to 0.62 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 1 year 
  • Average Price Range: n/a

Western lynx spiders are one of the many types of lynx spiders that live in Delaware, and they are native to North America.

This species is mainly found in the western United States but has a scattered population within the eastern US. Western lynx spiders live in tall grasslands, parks, backyards, gardens, and fields.

A medium-sized species, the western lynx spider has a color ranging from tan to brown. Their abdomen is pointed, but when pregnant females abdomens get much larger and rounded.

This species has a mottled pattern of white and various shades of brown on them. Their legs are angular and long, with thick back hairs covering their legs.

Western lynx spiders are common near plant life and spend their day looking for small insects to feed on. This spider is extremely quick and ambushes its prey.

Their eyesight is excellent, and the spring months are when this spider is seen often. Females of this species are able to spit liquid venom, useful for defending themselves.

30. Striped Lynx Spider

Striped Lynx Spider (Oxyopes salticus) walking along a leaf in Newark, Delaware, USA
Striped Lynx Spider (Oxyopes salticus) walking along a leaf in Newark, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate 
  • Family: Oxyopidae 
  • Scientific Name: Oxyopes salticus
  • Other Names: n/a 
  • Adult Size: 4 to 7 mm (0.15 to 0.27 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 1 year 
  • Average Price Range: n/a 

Striped lynx spiders inhabit Delaware and other states within the eastern United States. This species lives in areas with lots of vegetation like grass.

The spring is when the striped lynx spider is active, and they are active during the day. At night they find a secluded spot to rest, like under a leaf.

The striped lynx spider has orange, cream, or light tan colorings. This spider gets its name from the stripes that appear on its carapace, and abdomen.

Their legs are spiny and covered in thick hair. Males of this species are slightly smaller than females and have large bulbous pedipalps.

The striped lynx spider is very common in agricultural fields and is an important species that feed on a variety of pest insects in fields. Striped lynx spiders are harmless to humans, and the lynx spiders’ venom is only harmful to small insects.

If spotted the striped lynx spider likely flees and uses its cat-like movements to get to a secure area.

31. Running Crab Spider

Running Crab Spider (Philodromus spp.) clinging onto a leaf in Laurel, Delaware, USA
Running Crab Spider (Philodromus spp.) clinging onto a leaf in Laurel, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Beginner 
  • Family: Philodromidae 
  • Scientific Name: Philodromus spp.
  • Other Names: n/a 
  • Adult Size: 38 mm (1.5 inches)
  • Lifespan: 1 year 
  • Average Price Range: n/a

Running crab spiders live in wooded habitats, and spend their time dwelling amongst several natural foliage like leaf litter.

This species is common in foliage and low-lying plants. Running crab spiders are active during the day, but females tend to be more active at dawn or dusk.

Running crab spiders are not a member of the Thomisidae crab spider genus, but get their name from their crab-like appearance. The legs of this spider spread outward like a fan, and make them move similarly to a crab. This spider is brown or tan and has a mottled pattern on them allowing them to blend into its environment.

The running crab spider is extremely quick, and they use its speed to track down its prey. Running crab spiders hunt prey like other spiders, roaches, and flies.

This spider is an active hunter, ambushing prey instead of using silk.

32. Ground Crab Spider

Ground Crab Spider (Xysticus sphericus) on a leaf in Georgetown, Delaware, USA
Ground Crab Spider (Xysticus sphericus) on a leaf in Georgetown, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Beginner 
  • Family: Thomisidae 
  • Scientific Name: Xysticus sphericus
  • Other Names: n/a
  • Adult Size: 3 to 9 mm ( 0.11 to 0.35 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 1 year 
  • Average Price Range: n/a

The ground crab spider is a species found in Delaware and is common in woodland habitats. This species is active during the day, and spends its time in vegetation, under bark, and in loose dirt.

This spider sometimes hides under objects like leaves, or logs. The summer and fall months are when this spider is seen often.

The ground crab spider has tan coloring, which helps them blend into the woodlands they live in. This species, like other spiders in the Thomisidae family, has a body and legs that resemble a crab.

Ground crab spiders are larger than flower crab spiders. This spider has a mottled pattern that better helps them camouflage.

The front legs are the ground crab spider are very strong, and use them to overpower their prey. Ground crab spiders sit and wait, ambushing insects when close enough.

This species is harmless to humans, and spend its time in areas with lots of insect traffic.

33. Deadly Ground Crab Spider

A Deadly Ground Crab Spider (Xysticus funestus) sitting on a leaf somewhere in Massachusetts, USA
A Deadly Ground Crab Spider (Xysticus funestus) sitting on a leaf somewhere in Massachusetts, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Beginner 
  • Family: Thomisidae 
  • Scientific Name: Xysticus funestus
  • Other Names: n/a
  • Adult Size: 5 to 10 mm (0.2 to 0.4 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 1 year 
  • Average Price Range: n/a 

Native to North America, the deadly ground crab spider is a species found in Delaware. These species live in woodlands and are active during the day.

Deadly ground crab spiders are found most often in the summer and fall months. In the spring spiderlings and eggs begin to emerge that were overwintering during the cold season.

Deadly ground crab spiders have coloring ranging from orange to tan. They have large bulbous abdomens, with a mottled pattern on them to help them camouflage.

Deadly ground crab spiders have crab-like legs, with their second pair being longer than the others. Their front legs are strong and help them overpower their prey.

Deadly ground crab spiders are sit-and-wait predators, ambushing their prey when near. Bites from this species are extremely rare, and they tend to avoid humans.

The deadly ground crab spider is sometimes in vegetation and eating insects that go near plant life.  

34. Goldenrod Crab Spider

Goldenrod Crab Spider (Misumena vatia) on flowers with fly prey in Georgetown, Delaware, USA
Goldenrod Crab Spider (Misumena vatia) on flowers with fly prey in Georgetown, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Beginner 
  • Family: Thomisidae 
  • Scientific Name: Misumena vatia
  • Other Names: Flower crab spider 
  • Adult Size: 5 to 10 mm (0.20 to 0.39 inches)
  • Lifespan: 1 year 
  • Average Price Range: n/a 

The goldenrod crab spider is a species found in meadows, grasslands, gardens, and other vegetated habitats. This spider lives on plants like goldenrod and thistle, with females making their home on them.

Males spend their time looking for a female, and when they find a mate they guard them, preventing other males from getting close to them. The summer and fall are when this spider is seen most, adults breed during these seasons.

A web dragline is used by females to search for prey, and males will use these to find a mate. Goldenrod crab spiders are one of the few species where pheromones are not used in webs to attract a mate. Sexual cannibalism is common in this species, with older males being eaten most often.

Goldenrod crab spiders are sexually dimorphic, with females being much larger than males. This species comes in yellow, or white coloring, and they have the ability to change their shade to better camouflage into their habitat.

Males have small round abdomens and tan front legs. Females have large bulbous abdomens, and some have reddish markings on their sides.

Goldenrod crab spiders feed on pollinating insects that go near plants and use their coloring to camouflage into flowers. These species have powerful front legs they use to grab prey and kill them with their venom.

Bees, butterflies, wasps, grasshoppers, and flies are some of the insects they eat. This species is harmless and is regularly found in gardens.

35. Spitting Spider

Spitting Spider (Scytodes thoracica) on a white wall near Pike Creek, Delaware, USA
Spitting Spider (Scytodes thoracica) on a white wall near Pike Creek, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate 
  • Family: Scytodidae 
  • Scientific Name: Scytodes thoracica
  • Other Names: n/a
  • Adult Size: 6 to 18 mm (0.25 to 0.75 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 1.5 to 4 years 
  • Average Price Range: $30

A unique species found in Delaware, spitting spiders are able to spit liquid silk and venom at their prey to neutralize them.

Spitting spiders are found all across the US, and tend to be more active at night. In the eastern United States in places like Delaware where these spiders are common, they prefer temperate forest habitats.

Spitting spiders have tan coloring, with a bulbous abdomen and cephalothorax. This spider has long front legs which are used to spit at its prey.

Spitting spiders have thin legs with dark brown bands on them. They have a mottled pattern of dark markings on them. Unlike most spiders, this species only has six eyes instead of eight.

When hunting for prey this spider moves very slowly and spits at its prey when in range. Spitting spiders are able to spit their silk up to 28 m/s, and they can shoot their webbing around 10 to 20 mm far.

Their mix of venom and silk warp their prey up, and they bite their prey to neutralize them.

36. Eastern Parsons Spider

Eastern Parson Spider (Herpyllus ecclesiasticus) on a rocky surface in Georgetown, Delaware, USA
Eastern Parson Spider (Herpyllus ecclesiasticus) on a rocky surface in Georgetown, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate 
  • Family: Gnaphosidae 
  • Scientific Name: Herpyllus ecclesiasticus
  • Other Names: n/a 
  • Adult Size: 5 to 12.7 mm (0.2 to 0.5 inches)
  • Lifespan: 1 to 2 years 
  • Average Price Range: n/a 

Eastern parsons spiders are found in the eastern half of the United States and can be found in Delaware.

Eastern parsons spiders are a roaming species that are active at night. Since they wander so often it is common for this spider to make its way indoors looking for food.

This species hides under logs, leaf litter, and other debris during the day. Urban areas and woodlands are common places in which this spider lives. 

Easter parsons spiders have black coloring on their abdomen and cephalothorax. Their legs are brown, and velvety hairs cover these spiders’ bodies. A white marking runs down the center of their body, and they have a spinneret at the end of their abdomen that looks like a tail.

While small in size, the eastern parson’s spider feeds on small insects, and other spiders it comes across. This species is an ambush hunter and injects venom into its prey to neutralize them.

Bites from this spider are harmless, and they only do so if provoked.

37. Garden Ghost Spider

Garden Ghost Spider (Hibana gracilis) hanging inside a leaf in Sussex County, Delaware, USA
Garden Ghost Spider (Hibana gracilis) hanging inside a leaf in Sussex County, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate 
  • Family: Anyphaenidae 
  • Scientific Name: Hibana gracilis
  • Other Names: n/a 
  • Adult Size: 4 to 8 mm (0.15 to 0.31 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 1 year 
  • Average Price Range: n/a 

The garden ghost spiders are native to the United States and are a species found in Delaware.

Garden ghost spiders are found in gardens, backyards, parks, meadows, and other places with low-lying vegetation. This species is active at night, and during the day creates a silk sac to rest in.

Garden ghost spiders have a cream or white coloring, which is where the “ghost” in their name comes from. They are a small species and have a body shape similar to other sac spiders. A mottled gray pattern covers this spider’s body, and they are covered in small thick hairs.

The garden ghost spider spends its time in vegetated areas with lots of insect traffic. This species has poor eyesight but is able to track down prey and find insect larvae to eat.

Garden ghost spiders are harmless to humans and help to drastically reduce the pest insects in fields, and gardens.

38. Sac Spider

Sac Spider (Clubiona) on a leaf in flash in Georgetown, Delaware, USA
Sac Spider (Clubiona) on a leaf in flash in Georgetown, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Beginner
  • Family: Clubionidae
  • Scientific Name: Clubiona
  • Other Names: n/a
  • Adult Size: 6 to 10 mm (0.24 to 0.39 inches)
  • Lifespan: 1 year
  • Average Price Range: n/a

The sac spider is a species found in places like gardens, meadows, and backyards. This spider is found across the US and lives in Delaware.

Sac spiders are easily missed due to their size and hide in flowering plants, and in deep vegetation. At night this species is actively looking for food, and may occasionally wander indoors. 

Sac spiders have cream to grayish coloring, with velvety and thick hairs covering them. They have eight eyes positioned in two rows, and large fangs that deliver a painful bite. Sac spiders of the Clubiona genus when not wandering may hide under bark, leaf litter, or under rocks.

Small insects are what this spider eats, and their venom is not dangerous to humans. This spider waits in plant life to ambush prey, eating pest insects like moth larvae.

39. Northern Yellow Sac Spider

Northern Yellow Sac Spider (Cheiracanthium mildei) climbing up a leaf stem in Georgetown, Delaware, USA
Northern Yellow Sac Spider (Cheiracanthium mildei) climbing up a leaf stem in Georgetown, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate 
  • Family: Cheiracanthiidae  
  • Scientific Name: Cheiracanthium mildei
  • Other Names: Long-legged Sac Spider 
  • Adult Size:  5 to 10 mm (0.19 to 0.39 inches)
  • Lifespan: 1 to 2 years
  • Average Price Range: n/a 

The northern yellow sac spider is a very common species and is found across the United States. Woodlands and urban habitats are common areas where this spider lives.

They are primarily nocturnal, and during the day create a silk sac to rest in. This spider can be found under leaf litter, rocks, trees, and wood piles when not wandering around.

The northern yellow sac spider bites humans more often than other spiders since they regularly make their way indoors. When inside this yellow sac spiders may hide under laundry, cardboard, and other similar areas. Yellow sac spiders only bite if provoked.

Yellow sac spiders have long legs, with round abdomens. They have a yellowish, or cream coloring, and large black fangs.

The chelicerae of this spider are large and can leave a painful bite, but this spider is generally harmless to humans. When not in its sac this spider hunts for other spiders, insects, and their larvae.

40. Woodlouse Spider

Woodlouse Spider (Dysdera crocata) on moist wood and dirt in Newark, Delaware, USA
Woodlouse Spider (Dysdera crocata) on moist wood and dirt in Newark, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Beginner 
  • Family: Dysderidae 
  • Scientific Name: Dysdera crocata
  • Other Names: Woodlouse hunter, sowbug killer 
  • Adult Size: 9 to 3 mm (0.35 to 0.59 inches)
  • Lifespan: 2 to 5 years 
  • Average Price Range: n/a

Woodlouse spiders are mainly found in the eastern United States within North America. This species lives in dark and moist habitats, living in areas with lots of woodlice to feed on.

Woodlouse spiders are active at night, and during the day they create a silk sac to rest in. They create their sac in dark and moist places, like under rotting wood.

Woodlouse spiders have a bright red carapace, and orange legs. Their abdomen is tan and rounded.

They have a shiny appearance, and very tiny hairs cover their body. Unlike most spiders, this species only has six eyes, all grouped together in front of their face.

Woodlouse spiders have large fangs that are used to pierce the shell of the woodlouse, and their large fangs also have a painful bite. While the venom of this spider is not deadly, infections are possible since this species feeds on decaying matter.

The woodlouse spider spends its night hunting, and the woodlouse is just one of the many small animals this animal eats.

41. Broad-faced Sac Spider

Broad-faced Sac Spider (Trachelas tranquillus) on a leaf with prey in Georgetown, Delaware, USA
Broad-faced Sac Spider (Trachelas tranquillus) on a leaf with prey in Georgetown, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate 
  • Family: Trachelidae  
  • Scientific Name: Trachelas tranquillus
  • Other Names: Bullheaded Sac Spider 
  • Adult Size: 5 to 10 mm (0.19 to 0.39 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 1 to 2 years 
  • Average Price Range: n/a 

The broad-faced sac spider is a nocturnal species, and like other sac spiders during the day, they hide in a silk retreat. During the day this spider may hide under objects like boards, rocks, and leaf litter.

If in an urban area, this spider may make its sac on the side of a house, or on a windowsill. Broad-faced sac spiders are active mostly in the months of spring and fall, and as winter comes they make their way into homes more often.

Broad-faced sac spiders have a similar body shape to the woodlouse spider but have a broader cephalothorax. This spider has a black carapace, reddish legs, and a tan rounded abdomen. The fangs of this spider are large and leave a painful bite.

The venom from this spider is harmless to humans but is useful for neutralizing prey. Bites from this spider may cause infection since this spider feeds on decaying arthropods.

Broad-faced sac spiders hunt at night, feeding on insects, woodlice, and other spiders.

42. Red-spotted Ant-mimic Spider

Red-spotted Ant-mimic Spider (Castianeira descripta) walking on a written surface in Varina, North Carolina, USA
Red-spotted Ant-mimic Spider (Castianeira descripta) walking on a written surface in Varina, North Carolina, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate 
  • Family: Corinnidae 
  • Scientific Name: Castianeira descripta
  • Other Names: n/a 
  • Adult Size: 13 mm (0.51 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 1 to 2 years 
  • Average Price Range: n/a 

The red-spotted ant mimic spiders live in Delaware and are found across the United States.

Red-spotted ant mimics are a nocturnal species, and during the day hide in a silk retreat they create. Gardens, parks, grasslands, and urban areas are common places where this spider is found.

Black in color, this spider gets their name from the red marking that appears on the back of its abdomen. They have a glossy appearance, and while some may confuse them for a widow spider of this species, their bodies are more similar to a sac spider.

The red-spotted ant mimic spider lifts its two front legs and walks slowly to mimic an ant. Copying an ant helps this spider get close to the ants to ambush them.

Red-spotted ant spiders also feed on other small insects they find. Even though this spider has similar colors to the black widow, this species is harmless to humans and has a bite similar to a bee sting.

43. Long-palped Ant-mimic Spider

Long-palped Ant-mimic Sac Spider (Castianeira longipalpa) on dry leaves and sticks in Neward, Delaware, USA
Long-palped Ant-mimic Sac Spider (Castianeira longipalpa) on dry leaves and sticks in Newark, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate 
  • Family: Corinnidae 
  • Scientific Name: Castianeira longipalpa
  • Other Names: Banded Sac Spider 
  • Adult Size: 3 to 13 mm (0.11 to 0.51 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 1 to 2 years 
  • Average Price Range: n/a

Long-palped ant mimic spiders are common in the eastern United States and are seen often in coastal states like Delaware.

This spider is nocturnal, creating a silk sac to rest in during the day. Long-palped ant mimic spiders are terrestrial spending their time amongst the rocks and leaf litter.

The long-palped ant mimic spider has a yellowish mottled pattern on its carapace, and its abdomens also have yellow markings on them. This spider has black coloring, with cream or white markings appearing on its carapace and abdomen. The legs of this spider are tan, and they may have bands that appear on their appendages.

This spider mimics an ant by holding up its front two legs. Copying an ant lets this spider ambush unsuspecting prey, and avoid getting attacked.

Long-palped ant mimics are harmless to humans and occasionally wander indoors looking for food. Their fangs are not large enough to pierce the skin but are useful for taking out small insects like ants.

44. American Grass Spider

Grass Spider (Agelenopsis) sharing leaves with some slugs in Georgetown, Delaware, USA
Grass Spider (Agelenopsis) sharing leaves with some slugs in Georgetown, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Beginners 
  • Family: Agelenidae 
  • Scientific Name: Agelenopsis
  • Other Names: funnel weavers 
  • Adult Size: 9 to 20 mm (0.35 to 0.78 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 1 to 2 year
  • Average Price Range: n/a

The American grass spider is a common species found in Delaware and is found everywhere in the US. This spider lives in the grass, low-lying bushes, and other similar vegetation where they can create their funnel web.

Their sheet webs have a retreat for them to hide in, and areas with lots of insect traffic are where they make them. American grass spiders are nocturnal, and at night wait near the end of their funnel for prey.

Grass spiders have tan coloring, and look very similar to wolf spiders. At the end of this spider, the abdomen is a spinneret, which looks similar to a tail.

The carapace of the American grass spider has dark bold stripes, and its abdomen has brown stripes with a mottled pattern on them. Their longs are long, and their body is covered in small hairs that help them feel vibrations in their silk.

American grass spiders are extremely quick and ambush prey when something crosses their silk. Small insects and other spiders are what this species eats, pulling what they find into their retreat.

During the day this spider spends its day in its retreat and is very secretive. If spotted this spider flees, and its quick speed also helps to catch prey.

45. American Nursery Web Spider

American Nursery Web Spider (Pisaurina Mira) on a leaves in Kent County, Delaware, USA
American Nursery Web Spider (Pisaurina Mira) on a leaves in Kent County, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate 
  • Family: Pisauridae 
  • Scientific Name: Pisaurina Mira
  • Other Names: n/a 
  • Adult Size: 15 mm (0.59 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 2 years 
  • Average Price Range: $10 

The American nursery web spider lives in moist woodlands habitat. This spider gets its name from the nursery it builds for its egg sac.

Spring and fall are when this spider is seen most. They carry their egg sacs in their mouth, before bringing them to a secure area to hatch.

Mother spiders are very protective, and watch their young until they are ready to disperse into the wild. American nursery web spiders have tan to orangish coloring.

They have a bold stripe that runs down the center of their body and gets wavy edges when it reaches their abdomen. Their coloring and markings help them blend into various wooden surfaces.

The night is when this spider is active, and they are ambush hunters. This species is able to walk on the surface of the water and feeds on semi-aquatic, and terrestrial prey.

American nursery web spiders are harmless to humans, with bites being rare.

46. Banded Fishing Spider

Banded Fishing Spider (Dolomedes vittatus) on a leaf with webbing in New Castle County, Delaware, USA
Banded Fishing Spider (Dolomedes vittatus) on a leaf with webbing in New Castle County, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate 
  • Family: Pisauridae
  • Scientific Name: Dolomedes vittatus
  • Other Names: n/a 
  • Adult Size: 6.8 to 25.4 mm (0.27 to 1 inch)
  • Lifespan: 1 to 2 years 
  • Average Price Range: n/a

Banded fishing spiders live in woodlands and wetland habitats in Delaware. Freshwater bodies of water like marshes, ponds, and lakes are usually near where this spider is found since they are semi-aquatic.

Banded garden spiders are active mostly in the fall, and are nocturnal. The eastern United States is where the range where this spider lives. 

Banded fishing spiders have dark brown, to black coloring. They are covered in hydrophobic hairs that allow them to not get wet when in the water. The border of this spider’s body has white coloring, and they have a dark patch on top of its cephalothorax. 

Banded fishing spiders spend their night hunting for insects, and they use their speed and night vision to take down prey. This spider glides over the surface of the water and eats prey like small fish and tadpoles.

Since they spend time in the water common predators of the banded fishing spider include fish and aquatic birds.

47. Dark Fishing Spider

Dark Fishing Spider (Dolomedes tenebrosus) hanging upside down on a mossy piece of wood in Kent County, Delaware, USA
Dark Fishing Spider (Dolomedes tenebrosus) hanging upside down on a mossy piece of wood in Kent County, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate 
  • Family: Pisauridae
  • Scientific Name: Dolomedes tenebrosus
  • Other Names: n/a 
  • Adult Size: 6.8 to 25.4 mm (0.27 to 1 inch)
  • Lifespan: 2 years 
  • Average Price Range: n/a

Dark fishing spiders are some of the largest spiders that exist in Delaware. This species lives near freshwater habitats like ponds, lakes, and streams.

Compared with other fishing spiders it is more common to find this species in woodlands, and they will venture away from water. The months from spring to fall are when the dark fishing spider is common.

Because of their size, dark fishing spiders are sometimes confused for wolf spiders. This species ranges from tan to gray in color, and have a mottled pattern that allows them to easily blend into wood surfaces. The abdomen of this spider has W-shaped markings, and they are covered in many hairs.

Dark fishing spiders are nocturnal and hunt insects, other spiders, and small animals. This species ambushes its prey and uses its venom to neutralize them.

Dark fishing spiders are harmless to humans, and only bite if provoked.

48. Wolf Spider

Wolf Spider (Hogna antelucana) in grass on a leaf at Killens Pond State Park, Delaware, USA
Wolf Spider (Hogna antelucana) in grass on a leaf at Killens Pond State Park, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Beginner 
  • Family: Lycosidae 
  • Scientific Name: Hogna antelucana
  • Other Names: n/a 
  • Adult Size: 0.25 to .5 inches (6.35 to 12.7 mm)
  • Lifespan: 1 to 2 year
  • Average Price Range: n/a

Hogna antelucana is a species of wolf spider that lives in Delaware.

Being a member of the Hogna genus this spider is larger than most other Lycosidae, and spider species in Delaware. Wolf spiders are found in various habitats like woodlands, grasslands, meadows, marshes, and open fields.

The Hogna antleucana wolf spider has light tan coloring and is a very hairy species. The abdomen and carapace of this wolf spider have black markings, and its underside is completely black. The eyes of the wolf spider are some of the best among spiders, and they also have great night vision.

When shined with a light the wolf spiders’ eyes glow due to the tissue behind their eyes that reflects light. Wolf spiders also have two larger eyes in front of their face that gives them great depth perception, similar to jumping spiders.

Large wolf spiders of the Hogna genus feed on small lizards, rodents, insects, and other spiders they are able to overpower. Wolf spiders are extremely quick and get their name from their tendency to pounce on their prey like a wolf.

Summer and fall are when wolf spiders are seen most, but when spotted they generally flee for cover. Large wolf spiders are not harmful to humans, and their venom is only effective on small animals.

49. Tiger Wolf Spider

Tiger Wolf Spider (Tigrosa helluo) walking through wet grass somewhere in Delaware, USA
Tiger Wolf Spider (Tigrosa helluo) walking through wet grass somewhere in Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Beginner
  • Family: Lycosidae 
  • Scientific Name: Tigrosa helluo
  • Other Names:  Wetland Giant Wolf Spider
  • Adult Size: 6.3 to 50 mm (0.24 to 1.9 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 1 to 4 years 
  • Average Price Range: $20 to $40 dollars 

The Tiger Wolf Spider is spread throughout the east coast of the United States. This species can be found in habitats like woodlands, marshes, and grassy fields.

They build nests in burrows lined with their silk webbing usually under woodpiles, stone piles, or forest debris. They are most active and spotted most often from spring to late summer during their mating season.

Tiger wolf spiders have either brown or reddish-brown bodies with a yellow or orange vertical stripe going from between their eyes to their abdomen. The underside of their abdomen has distinct black spots that can help distinguish this species from other wolf spiders.

It is one of the smaller wolf spider species with females usually being larger than males. Spiders of this species are usually not aggressive and are unlikely to bite unless threatened.

While their bite does inject venom it is not dangerous for humans. The venom can cause mild pain and some slight swelling but usually no more than that.

They are great hunters and have excellent eyesight making it easy to hunt prey like smaller spiders, crickets, flies, cockroaches, beetles, and mealworms.

50. Long-bodied Cellar Spider

Long-bodied Cellar Spider (Pholcus phalangioides) on a white wall in Lewes, Delaware, USA
Long-bodied Cellar Spider (Pholcus phalangioides) on a white wall in Lewes, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate 
  • Family: Pholcidae 
  • Scientific Name: Pholcus phalangioides
  • Other Names: Skull spider, Daddy long-leg spider 
  • Adult Size: 6 to 10 mm (0.23 to 3.9 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 0.5 to 3 years 
  • Average Price Range: n/a 

Most commonly referred to as daddy long-legs, the long-bodied cellar spider is known for its extremely long legs.

It is widespread across every continent in the world and is one of the most commonly spotted house-dwelling spiders. They can be found living indoors in dark corners and calm areas of homes, sheds, cellars, garages, and barns as well as outdoors in small caves and crevices.

Long-bodied cellar spiders are typically a light brown or tan color with small dark brown markings on their abdomen. Females are slightly larger than males and tend to have more robust abdomens while males have longer legs.

As the name daddy long legs suggest, both females and males of this species have extremely long legs that are covered in thin gray hairs. Unlike other spiders, the long-bodied cellar spider doesn’t only wait in its web to catch food it often wanders outside of its web to hunt insects and other spiders or their eggs.

These spiders are great for keeping pests and other potentially dangerous spiders under control in homes.

51. Bowl and Doily Spider

Bowl-and-doily Spider (Frontinella pyramitela) hanging upside-down on its web at Blackbird State Forest Tybout Tract, Delaware, USA
Bowl-and-doily Spider (Frontinella pyramitela) hanging upside-down on its web at Blackbird State Forest Tybout Tract, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate 
  • Family: Linyphiidae 
  • Scientific Name: Frontinella pyramitela
  • Other Names: n/a 
  • Adult Size: 4 mm (0.16 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 1 year 
  • Average Price Range: n/a 

Bowl and doily spiders earned their name with their uniquely designed web system. This web system consists of a bowl-like web suspended about a horizontal doily-like sheet web.

This species of spider is common throughout the United States and can be found all throughout Delaware. They prefer to build their webs in shrubs, fields, forests, or weedy meadows.

The female bowl and doily spider is typically a dark reddish brown color with distinct white markings on the abdomen. These markings look like thick white vertical lines on both sides of its abdomen. Males of this species typically have smaller abdomens and are a brighter shade of reddish brown.

Due to their small size, the bowl and doily spiders bite is not dangerous to humans and has no medical significance. Their most common prey are bugs like flies, ants, gangsta, and other small insects.

They are most active during the summer in July and August.

52. Candy-striped Spider

Candy-striped Spider (Enoplognatha ovata) on a curled leaf somewhere in Russia
Candy-striped Spider (Enoplognatha ovata) on a curled leaf somewhere in Russia. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate 
  • Family: Theridiidae 
  • Scientific Name: Enoplognatha ovata
  • Other Names: Common candy-striped spider
  • Adult Size: 3.5 to 7 mm (0.13 to 2.7 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 1 year 
  • Average Price Range: n/a  

Candy-striped spiders are indigenous to Europe but have been introduced to North America. They are found in the eastern United States and in the Pacific Northwest.

These spiders tend to stay away from people’s homes and prefer to live in grasslands, gardens, and meadows. They build their webs around green plants where it’s easier to camouflage their body.

Females of this species are small, only growing to about .2 inches and males are even smaller than that when fully grown. They are found in a variety of shades and color combinations.

Their abdomen can be white, gray, or green with a vertical row of dark gray or brown spots down the middle surrounded by two red stripes that make a v-shape.   

The candy-striped spider may be small but it can prey on insects over double its size. The insects they prefer to eat include flies, ticks, grasshoppers, and mosquitos.

They are most active from May to October but because these spiders don’t like to go near humans, bites from them are rare. The bite from a candy stripes spider is harmless to humans though it can cause mild skin irritation.

53. Common House Spider

Common House Spider (Parasteatoda tepidariorum) hanging in its web in Dover, Delaware, USA
Common House Spider (Parasteatoda tepidariorum) hanging in its web in Dover, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate 
  • Family: Theridiidae 
  • Scientific Name: Parasteatoda tepidariorum
  • Other Names: American house spider
  • Adult Size: 3 to 5 mm (0.11 to 0.19 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 1 to 2 years 
  • Average Price Range: n/a 

As its name suggests, the common house spider is found pretty much everywhere in the United States. It is one of the most common spiders in Delaware and is seen quite often because of its preference to live where humans dwell.

They are cobweb spiders and like to make their thin tangled webs in corners or small crevices. They are most often seen in basements, attics, crawl spaces, garages, barns, and sheds.

The common house spider is found in a variety of brown shades from almost black to light tan. Their abdomens usually have light-colored patterns and their legs can have white and brown stripes.

Like most species of spider, the female common house spider is larger than the male and has a more robust abdomen. Males have longer legs than females and skinnier abdomens.

Feeding on small insects like flies, mosquitos, wasps, ants, and beetles, the common house spider can help keep pests under control in homes. While their venom is similar to black widow spiders it is much less potent and doesn’t really affect humans.

Their bite feels similar to a bee sting and may cause slight swelling or itching for a short period.

54. Triangulate Cobweb Spider

Triangulate Combfoot (Steatoda triangulosa) in a ceiling corner in its web in Georgetown, Delaware, USA
Triangulate Combfoot (Steatoda triangulosa) in a ceiling corner in its web in Georgetown, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Beginner 
  • Family: Theridiidae 
  • Scientific Name: Steatoda triangulosa
  • Other Names: Triangulate bud spider 
  • Adult Size: 3 to 6 mm (0.1 to 0.23 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 1 to 3 years
  • Average Price Range: n/a  

Found all over North America the triangulate cobweb spider has a range all over Delaware.

They prefer to live inside places like houses, garages, sheds, and other manmade structures. They spend hours every day building webs in dark corners of walls and windows where they are least likely to be seen.

These are pretty small spiders that only reach about ⅛ to ¼ of an inch when fully grown. Coloring for these spiders is typically a reddish-orange body and head with dark yellow legs.

Adult females have a distinctive zigzag pattern on their robust abdomens. This pattern can be used to identify this species from other spiders in the area. The size of the abdomen can help differentiate them from the males which have smaller abdomens.

Triangulate spiders are not known to be aggressive and will only bite when provoked. Their venom is not toxic to humans so their bites are not dangerous.

Their diet consists of a variety of insects like flies, beetles, mosquitos, ticks, ants, and other spiders like the brown recluse.

55. Rabbit Hutch Spider

Rabbit Hutch Spider (Steatoda bipunctata) climbing up rock with greenery on it somewhere in France, Europe
Rabbit Hutch Spider (Steatoda bipunctata) climbing up rock with greenery on it somewhere in France, Europe. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate 
  • Family: Theridiidae 
  • Scientific Name: Steatoda bipunctata
  • Other Names: n/a 
  • Adult Size: 16 mm (0.75 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 1 year 
  • Average Price Range: n/a

Rabbit hutch spiders are common throughout North America and can be found all over the state of Delaware. Their nickname comes from the spiders’ use of abandoned rabbit hutches as homes.

They typically make messy webs without distinct patterns in corners or holes. Sometimes these spiders build little tubes out of their webs for coverage. 

This species of spider is pretty small with large females only growing to about a ¼ inch. They have similar body shapes as black widows though their coloring is a shiny brown or reddish brown.

Females have larger abdomens with no distinct marking on them while males have smaller abdomens that can sometimes have a vertical white line down the middle.

These spiders eat a variety of insects like flies, wasps, beetles, aphids, mosquitoes, and other household and garden pests. They prefer to live in outdoor areas like gardens but can make their way indoors looking for warmth and shelter.

The bite of a rabbit hutch spider may cause allergic reactions in some people but are basically harmless to humans. Rabbit hutch spiders are shy and will avoid humans when possible so bites are rare.

56. False Black Widow

False Black Widow (Steatoda grossa) climbing up dirt mound in Aquitaine, France, Europe
False Black Widow (Steatoda grossa) climbing up a dirt mound in Aquitaine, France, Europe. – Source
  • Experience Level: Beginner 
  • Family: Theridiidae 
  • Scientific Name: Steatoda grossa
  • Other Names: brown house spider, cupboard spider 
  • Adult Size: 10 to 14 mm (0.39 to 0.55 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 2 to 6 years 
  • Average Price Range: n/a  

False black widows are found all throughout the state of Delaware.

They prefer to hide from humans and live in places they will most likely be undisturbed like inside walls, on fences, under piles of wood and stones, and in hollow trees. False widows have extremely poor eyesight and rely on vibrations from their web to alert them to nearby danger or prey.

While this spider is commonly mistaken for black widows, hence the name, They can be differentiated if you’re able to get a decent look at it. They are dark colored but are more commonly a dark brown or reddish brown rather than all black.

Instead of red markings like actual black widows, false black widows have distinct light gray colored markings on their abdomens. Females have more robust abdomens than males though the males can reach almost the same length as females due to their very long legs.

Like black widows, the false black widow does have a venomous bite though it is not as medically significant. They are known to eat other spiders like the black widow as well as other crawling bugs like beetles and centipedes.

While it’s most common to see these spiders during spring and summer they have adapted to the cold and are active year-round.

57. Northern Black Widow

Northern Black Widow (Latrodectus variolus) walking on dry leaves and sticks in Glasgow, Delaware, USA
Northern Black Widow (Latrodectus variolus) walking on dry leaves and sticks in Glasgow, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate 
  • Family: Latrodectus variolus 
  • Scientific Name: Latrodectus variolus
  • Other Names: Northern Widow 
  • Adult Size: 12.7 to 15.24 mm (0.5 to 0.6 inches)
  • Lifespan: 1 to 3 years 
  • Average Price Range: $20

Northern black widows are most commonly found in the Middle Atlantic states like Delaware, New Jersey, Maryland, and Massachusetts.

These spiders form messy webs with no distinct pattern in places like wood piles, stone piles, woodland habitats, hollow trees, and dark corners of sheds, or garages. Northern black widows are most active at night and are more likely to hide when confronted by a human.

These spiders are closely related to the southern black widow but are easily differentiated through appearance. Like most black widows their bodies are all black with red dots shaped like an hourglass on their abdomen.

However, unlike the southern black widow, the northern black widow’s hourglass is separated in the middle making it easy to differentiate the two species.

Northern black widows’ mating season takes place from April to May and is frequently seen in late summer. Like most widows, the northern black widow uses its web to catch prey like spiders, beetles, flies, and mosquitos.

As a defense, these widows will bite when threatened or startled. Their venomous bite is painful and can lead to a trip to the hospital if symptoms become bad enough.

Females are noticeably large and have a venomous bites while males are much smaller and considered harmless. 

58. Southern Black Widow

Southern Black Widow (Latrodectus mactans) in the sun on concrete in Dover, Delaware, USA
Southern Black Widow (Latrodectus mactans) in the sun on concrete in Dover, Delaware, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate 
  • Family: Theridiidae 
  • Scientific Name: Latrodectus mactans
  • Other Names: Shoe-button spider 
  • Adult Size: 8 to 13 mm (0.3 to 0.5 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 1 to 3 years 
  • Average Price Range: $20  

The Southern Black Widow is a venomous spider that is primarily found in the southeastern United States. They can be found all throughout the state of Delaware.

These widows prefer to live in outdoor habitats like rock and wood piles, hollow tree stumps and abandoned animal burrows. However, it is not uncommon to find them living indoors in areas like sheds, garages, or basements.

Female Black Widows are known for their black coloring with a distinct red hourglass on their abdomen. Female black widows occasionally eat the male after mating as well.

Male black widows are considerably smaller than females and are often lighter in color. Mature females can grow to about ½ inch while males only grow to about ¼ inch.

The black widow is known for its venomous bite that is likely to be somewhat painful but rarely fatal for humans. They typically emerge for mating from spring to summer though they are most prevalent from late summer to mid-fall.

They feed primarily on other spiders and flying insects like flies, grasshoppers, beetles, and mosquitos.

59. Trapdoor Spider

Trapdoor Spider (Ummidia) on a rock in Pittsgrove, New Jersey, USA
Trapdoor Spider (Ummidia) on a rock in Pittsgrove, New Jersey, USA. – Source
  • Experience Level: Intermediate  
  • Family: Halonoproctidae 
  • Scientific Name: Ummidia
  • Other Names: Cork lid spider 
  • Adult Size: (1 to 1.6 inches) 
  • Lifespan: 5 to 20 years 
  • Average Price Range: $30 

The Trapdoor spider gets its name from the door they build for their home’s entrance.

The door is made out of the spider’s silk material and is the entrance to the underground burrows they make for homes. These spiders are found all over the world and are in almost every state in the U.S. They prefer to make their homes in dry well-drained soil.

The trapdoor spider is closely related to tarantulas which is apparent in its physical features. They are most commonly spotted being either black, dark brown, or reddish brown.

Like tarantulas, the trapdoor spider has a robust, hairy abdomen. However, unlike tarantulas, these spiders are pretty small and only reach a maximum length of about 1.5 inches.

This species of spider is not dangerous and it’s very unlikely for one to bite you and even if they do their bites don’t hurt. Trapdoor spiders are fast runners and will run into their homes at the first sign of danger.

Their diet is made up of insects including crickets, moths, beetles, and grasshoppers. Their most common predators are birds, centipedes, scorpions, frogs, and parasitic wasps.


What are the largest spiders in Delaware?

The dark fishing spider is the largest type of spider that lives in Delaware, and when fully grown its leg span gets up to 4 inches in length.

Similar to other spiders, females of this species are bulkier than males, which helps when laying eggs. Other large spiders in Delaware also include the wolf spider and the American nursery web spider.

What venomous spiders live in Delaware?

The black widow is the most venomous spider that lives in Delaware, and there are two species that live in the state.

The two black widows in Delaware are the Northern, and Southern black widows spiders, belonging to the genus of Latrodectus. Black widows have neurotoxic venom with bites that cause fevers, swelling, muscle cramps, stomach aches, and pain.

Are there brown recluses in Delaware?

The brown recluse is not native to Delaware. The brown recluse is sometimes found in Delaware but is very rare to come across, usually brought in from other states.

Brown recluses are often confused for other brown spiders, and this venomous species can be identified by the violin-shaped marking on its cephalothorax. Their venom is necrotic, and one of the most potent in North America.

Necrotic venom leaves a lesion or wound in the area bitten.

Wrapping up

Spiders are very important to the ecosystem, as they are a valuable food source for animals like birds, lizards, small rodents, and even other spiders.

Humans benefit greatly from spiders since they prey on various insects like flies and mosquitoes, controlling their population. Delaware, while the second smallest state, is filled with wetland habitats that are perfect for spiders to live in.

This list covers the various types of spiders in the state, so you can identify them, and learn about the types of spiders in Delaware.

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